All day Friday was spent getting TheCottage cleaned, baking, cooking, putting away paint cans and tools and putting 3 bedrooms back together. Mr. D finished up the flooring in the three upstairs bedrooms and helped me move the furniture back in so some very special ladies could use them for the night. Baby Girl hosted … Read More
Concert. Greenies. Shoes.
Baby Girl scored us tickets to a Phillip Phillips concert at WSU. As a current student (Masters program) she gets the student price on tickets $5 tickets. Yes. Please. Us “oldies” figured we’d watch the concert from the bleachers. That lasted for about 5 minutes — before we were down on the floor with … Read More
Randoms on April first!
Random stuff today. Sure, why not. It’s April Fools Day. Got home from work today and favorite son (who was visiting) was grinning ear to ear. I see the foil covered pan on the counter. Me: {smiling} “you baked today?” Him: “Yep, I made brownies!” Me: “Impressive” Me: {uncovering pan} …. “dang” He had … Read More
Wordless Wednesday
last day of winter
Cottage Reno Progress
February 20th. That’s the last time I posted about the renovations happening at The Cottage … and the ideas that were swimming around in my brain. Today I am happy to report that… 1. Some decisions have been made! 2. Actions have been taken! 3. Rooms are being changed! Tonight Mr. D and I signed … Read More
8+ inches of snow means working from home for me (the commute is brutal on country roads covered in snow) Mr. D worked from home too he also worked out-of-the-home Last year — same day March 11, 2012 the weather on this very same day 63 degrees! it was glorious Ever. March 2012: March … Read More
Little Cottage
We have a new addition to The Cottage grounds! Back up to a Friday evening in early February. Mr. D and I are wandering through the 2013 Builders Home Show stopping at all the booths with kitchen cabinets, countertops, flooring & sinks scoping out potential kitchen products. We hit up the “Once Upon A Playhouse” … Read More
Snow Blooms
Best thing to come out of last Friday’s Snow dump… Little tufts of snow on the tips of our Red Twig Dogwood.
A weekend’s worth of celebrating
Another year around the sun complete, and another year begun. Celebrating began on Thursday morning. Kicking off the day with fresh-out-of-the-oven-homemade muffins made by a co-worker to enjoy during our weekly staff meeting at work, made the day just that much sweeter. Friday morning (the actual day) I woke to 6.5 inches of snow and was … Read More
Wrap Up
Thought I’d give y’all a peek into some of the spaces in the house we didn’t paint. The upstairs apartment (2nd floor) is where the kitchen, living room/alcove, dining room, full bathroom, and master bedroom are. At the opposite end of the hall from the kitchen is a door to a back stairway. One stairwell … Read More