Kitchen Refresh


I joined the COVID-19 project crew this week. Meaning, I finally got my act together and started to get more done around our home.

Refreshing and decluttering

My kitchen needed a refresh and a serious de-cluttering. It was feeling “too busy” and cluttered and I needed some visual space especially since we are spending so much more time in our home. In a wintery-like spring.

I started by taking everything off these shelves. I’ve always liked having the Harker Mallow pottery on the top shelf, but it has been there for 10+ years. I wanted to try something new. For now.

So I put some Ironstone tureens and casseroles on the top shelf and added some other bowls and dishes. This just feels a little more visually lighter to me.

I was on a roll now, so moved to the glass front cabinets and did a little refresh there too.

I moved the Harker mixing and serving bowls to this cabinet for a change and added some other dishes too.

In a bold move, I placed my Kitchen-aid mixer on the counter. It’s been stored on a lower shelf – where the cookbooks are now – (see below) for years, but the refresh is the goal and this practically vintage mixer at nearly 32 years old doesn’t look too bad. We’ll see what I think of her counter position in a couple of weeks I’m not 100% sure this is going to stick.

I realize this is all backward — cleaning everything should have been first. But people, I needed some incentive and inspiration. Also, it’s pretty true to form for me to move stuff first, clean later. It’s not unusual at all for me to start rearranging furniture – just to inspire a deep-clean in the same room.

I did eventually get to the cleaning and started with the stove and vent. I keep up with the stove cleaning, but there were a few spots that needed some extra attention. For years I tried everything to get this stove looking new after a cooking frenzy. Then I found these Spirinette scrubbers from Norwex and my stove cleaning chore became easy and quick. My other favorites in the kitchen are the microfiber EnviroCloth and the Window Cloth.

cleaning the stove

*This is not a sponsored ad for Norwex. However, if you choose to purchase from the links above you will be connected to my cousin’s Norwex account to purchase items.

This lidless Ironstone casserole dish was pulled into a new use at the kitchen sink to hold brushes, scrapers, and soap. Having pretty containers for everyday items makes doing chores more fun.

Cupboards were cleaned inside and out and items were replaced and re-purposed and the counters were cleared.

The shiny, clean kitchen feels so good to look at and work in.

There is no lack of projects small or large around here. Plenty of organizing and de-cluttering to do too! Are you working on any projects at home?

Until next time,

Cheri Signature