Not a good idea


I tried a new recipe tonight. Pumpkin doughnuts My candy thermometer wasn’t working quite right so the first half dozen were a FAIL.  The oil was waaaay too hot. After I got the temperature deal figured out we had ourselves some doughnuts. I ate a half of one. This recipe has been sitting on my … Read More

Fresh chicken and what I’ve done today.


Bet I know what you are thinking…after you read the today’s title, and as you see this picture of a processed chicken. The above hen was free range and did come from a local farm — but she ain’t one of mine. Today I made homemade chicken and noodles.  This very statement will make my 3 children … Read More

My favorite pie


This simple, old fashion, soft custard pie has been my favorite since I was knee-high to a grasshopper.  I could eat this entire pie myself.  Trust me, and please don’t tell my trainer!  That’s why I don’t make it — ever.  Because I know I have limited resistance against the pulling force of the deliciousness … Read More

White Chocolate Cherry


Bliss is Great Harvest White Chocolate Cherry Swirl bread. If any of you dear, wonderful, sweet, amazing  friends or family know how to make this  delightful-party-in-my-mouth bread —  Please give me the recipe and tell me how to make it! It’s a matter of life and death. Not really. But I want it reeeel bad! … Read More


Breakfast treat Baby Girl’s BF treated us to breakfast yesterday morning  – with our eggs, bread and bacon. Baby Girl made the bacon.  Actually, she heated up some pre-cooked bacon.  It still counted though. BF Mike treated the family by MAKING breakfast. Which for me is a treat – I don’t usually eat much of … Read More



Breakfast for dinner “Yes, please!” Especially when it is a homemade Belgium Waffle! Our boy has had the “real” Belgium Waffle in Belgium —  with Belgium chocolate He was happy to re-create a close (haha) copy in our very own Midwest kitchen tonight. I think he ate three of these! NOT that I was counting. … Read More



Our “Oklahoma kids” had us over for a lovely, tasty, homemade dinner this evening — at their very cute home. One of the foods on the menu was Acorn Squash. I heart squash. They used Pioneer Woman’s  “Sweet-Roasted-Rosemary-Acorn-Squash recipe. You can find it here. Oh Lordie … it ever good! I scraped my squash wedges … Read More

Will a bribe work?


I ate this tonight. While I savored the graham cracker crust with layers of cheesecake, pumpkin and fresh whipped cream – I thought of you. Yes, you . . . and the other 50+ people who stop by this blog throughout the day and/or week. I thought how you would probably love to make this … Read More

Hot Date


Baby Girl wrote this on her Facebook wall last night: Danae has a hot date tonight! šŸ™‚ Taken just before they left for dinner out – and mini golf. Daddy wasn‘t so sure about this outfit. Neither was someone else in Mike’s family. I say, “wear it while you can girl”! Wondering about those ice cream sandwiches? Wonder no more . . .  Conclusions: 1.  The recipe … Read More



And the winner is . . . True Random Number Service Random Integer Generator Here are your random numbers: 4 Timestamp: 2009-07-25 23:47:51 UTC Kelli ! Congratulations Kelli!   Send me an email with your address and I’ll sign you up for your one-year subscription to Cuisine at Home magazine! Oh….and I think that whenever … Read More