Old Faithful


Ever hear the old adage (or is it a Proverb? 😉 that a man should never buy his woman a gift that has a cord or plugs in? DIY Guy has heard the adage.  He knows it.  And he has given me two gifts that plug-in.  One was a vacuum for my birthday one year.  … Read More

Aunt Minnie’s Secret Recipe


Last week we had accrued more eggs than we could use and it was time to take some serious action. We had to make something with eggs! Something that used more than a few eggs. Something like……egg salad…..or deviled eggs. My kids LOVE deviled eggs. But they don’t like MY deviled eggs. They like their … Read More



Saturday night we did some “catching up” with friends.  Approximately 2 hours before our guests were to arrive, I got a hankerin’ to re-arrange our great room.  Crazy, I know.  But that’s how I roll sometimes! My favorite son had mentioned this arrangement awhile back, and I just couldn’t imagine it.  But Saturday it suddenly … Read More

New Cooks in the kitchen!


On my refrigerator there is a Zits Comic Strip with a gasping mother looking at her trashed kitchen, as her son walks away with a “Dagwood” sandwich, beverage and plate.   Above the picture is this: “Give a teen a snack and you feed him for a day, Teach him to fix his own snack … Read More

I won!


The Office… (no, not that ‘Office’) …My office.  The place I work — had a St. Patty’s Day Potluck today.  Several of us signed up to bring a dish to pass.  It could be green, St. Patrick’s Day themed, authentic St. Pat’s food, or something totally random. I don’t have many any authentic Irish recipes.  I’m … Read More

Snow + Wedding


Yesterday we were blessed with another 8 inches of the white, cold fluffy stuff. . . It really made our yard look like a winter wonderland Then, just as we were about to leave for Kelli & Matt’s wedding It happened . . . A White Out But the wedding went on and was the … Read More

Fine Dining


Just a reminder….THIS is the real me . . .  a “Wild Pitch” burger from King’s Tavern. Dining in fancy establishments isn’t something I’ve done much of.  I think I can count on one hand, 2 fingers the number of times I’ve been in a really, really nice place. The first time was on my … Read More

Wild Pitch & The Rook


Friday after work Kirk and I headed North to IKEA. I wanted to scope out the office gear/cabinetry for our church office (which shall soon have a new look) and also needed to buy a few things for the church before the open house — tomorrow! I thought these were pretty nice they have lots of … Read More


Try it, you’ll like it . . . Have you ever had Caviar? Calamari? Pickled Herring? Brussel Sprouts? Frog legs? I’ve tried all of the above, but not an Anchovy.While in Uptown last Saturday we had lunch at Figlio in Calhoun Square. You should go there. The decor is swanky and the food is amazing. … Read More