Bride weekend!


All day Friday was spent getting TheCottage cleaned, baking, cooking, putting away paint cans and tools and putting 3 bedrooms back together. Mr. D finished up the flooring in the three upstairs bedrooms and helped me move the furniture back in so some very special ladies could use them for the night. Baby Girl hosted … Read More

Wrap Up


Thought I’d give y’all a peek into some of the spaces in the house we didn’t paint. The upstairs apartment (2nd floor) is where the kitchen, living room/alcove, dining room, full bathroom, and master bedroom are. At the opposite end of the hall from the kitchen is a door to a back stairway.  One stairwell … Read More

Work Week


Friday … last work day. We set the goal to have the house ready for a housewarming party on Friday.  Let me just say that it is nothing short of amazing how much 4 people can accomplish in a week…. and a day! On Friday we cleaned up all the rooms, pulled out some accessories … Read More

Work Week


Day 6:  Thursday Hang in there friends, we are almost done with this home tour! Here’s the living room… Alcove before Alcove after living room before living room after  view from dining room corner (near kitchen) before & after Walls:  Sherwin Williams Alpaca Curtains:  HomeGoods Plant/Planter:  IKEA Lamp:  HomeGoods Tim made the black cabinet in … Read More

Work Week


Day 5 we put a second coat on the dining room walls and painted the living room.  Dining room before moving in… Dining room when we arrived… Taping.  I don’t tape.  However, taping is very necessary when  painting stripes/lines. The dining room gets a nice wide navy blue stripe at chair rail height.  Mr. D … Read More

Work Week – day 4


Tuesday morning I put a pot of homemade soup in the slow cooker, had a cup of coffee, and a leftover bagel and we got busy.  Again. Mr. D worked on hooking up 2 washing machines and one dryer. Yes, two washers.  There is a set for each apartment. While Mr. D worked diligently in … Read More

Work Week – Day 3


Day 3 – Monday We started the day with a quick birthday celebration for Cara.  Tim’s parents, sister and (baby) nephew arrived bright and early with breakfast.  Visiting with family over coffee and cuddling with a sweet baby boy, it was tempting to linger all morning.  However, with a Friday deadline looming to get the … Read More

Work week


Over a week ago Mr. D and I hit the road and headed East.  And South.  We had work waiting for us in The Nati.  Cincinnati. We also had work to finish at The Cottage before we could spend 12 hours relaxing on the road.  Before loading the car, we unloaded the great room.  As in … Read More