Work Week


Friday … last work day.
We set the goal to have the house ready for a housewarming party on Friday.  Let me just say that it is nothing short of amazing how much 4 people can accomplish in a week…. and a day!

On Friday we cleaned up all the rooms, pulled out some accessories for the rooms (Cara will be tweaking more as she unpacks and sorts through boxes), grocery shopped for the party (Sam’s, Trader Joe’s, & Kroger) AND bought our girl a sewing machine for her birthday!
That was our morning!

Back at the house, Cara unpacked boxes, accessorized rooms, and cleaned some more.  Mr. D helped with odds and ends and built the IKEA bed in the guest room.  I started baking and cooking for the party.

Light the candles 

set the food out
let the party begin!