Tiered tray makeover


 I’ve been busy painting all the things lately.   Which explains the several antique pieces in our garage right now at various stages of getting a new life.  In the middle of working on 5 different pieces, I managed to get side-tracked by an idea that just couldn’t wait.

I purchased this very plain tiered tray online over a year ago.  You know how it goes sometimes — things don’t always look as good in person as they do online.  I put it in my kitchen,  just didn’t love it, actually, I didn’t even like it.  So it was banished to the basement,- destined for a garage sale, or to be donated.

The last thing I needed was to start another project with so many unfinished ones, but when inspiration and creativity calls, I usually answer.

I had some already mixed milk paint leftover from a piece I had just finished up.  “Waste not, want not,” right?  In about 15 minutes the entire stand was painted.  I gave it some dry time then applied hemp oil and wet sanded it.

As of right now, it is still on my counter.
I’m actually looking forward to doing something with it for Christmas, which is for sure better than it taking up space in our basement making me wish I had never bought it!